Úvod »Trestné právo» Causation in Law
Sborník studií k problému, jenž – ač klíčový – je velmi opomíjen. Autoři v tomto díle analyzují klíčové aspekty příčinné souvislosti z pohledu různých právních odvětví s těžištěm v civilním deliktním a trestním právu.
Causation as a Legal Phenomenon
Franz Bydlinski
Some remarks on the General Philosophy of Causality and Its Relation to Causation in Law
Kimmo Nuotio
Economics and Its Approach to Causation
Dušan Tříska
Natural and Legal Causation
Helmut Koziol
Inconvenient Questions: Causation and the Eradication of Poverty and Climate Change
Jaap Spier
Multiple Tortfeasors
Bénédict Winiger
Causation by Omission
Ulrich Magnus
Causal Uncertainty and Proportional Liability
Michael Faure and Véronique Bruggeman
The „Loss of a Chance“ in European Private Law: „All or nothing“or partial compensation in CASE of uncertainty of causation
Thomas Kadner Graziano
Contributory Fault and Mitigation, Rights and Reasonableness: Comparisons between English and French law
Simon Whittaker
Causation in Contractual Relations
Luboš Tichý
Problems of Causation in the Liability for Medical Malpractice in German Law
Gottfried Schiemann
Causality and Objective Imputation in German Criminal Law
Kristian Kűhl
Causal Responsibility for the Actions of Others
Rebecca Williams