Úvod »Medzinárodné vzťahy a politika» Global Warming - Reality, or Bubble?


Global Warming - Reality, or Bubble?

vyd. CEP Centrum pro ekonomiku a politiku



Dostupnosť: dodanie do 7 dní
Číslo produktu: CEP0016
Výrobca: CEP
Rok vydania: 2011
Počet strán: 143
Väzba: mäkká
EAN kód: 9788087460016
7,51 €

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Kompletné špecifikácie

Does statistically significant global warming exist? If so, is it a natural phenomenon, or has it been caused by man? If we were to take the decision to prevent it from occurring, is there anything we can do about it? Are we to be worried about a possible slight temperature increase? These are the main questions addressed by the latest proceedings of the Center for Economics and Politics called "Global Warming – Reality, or Bubble?"

Part A of this book contains texts from the seminar "Climate Hazard – Adaptation is the Key" that was held on 8th December 2010. An Emeritus Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs in Melbourne and professor at the James Cook University z Townsville, Australia, Robert (Bob) Carter contributes the introductory and the final chapter of his book "The Climate: The Counter Consensus" (2010), which deals with the media and scientific mystification that surrounds the issue of global warming. We have also included my review of this book written for the publishing house Stacey International.

Part B contains a lecture by the Emeritus Professor at the University of Virginia, the founding Dean of the University of Miami School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences and the founding director of the US Weather Satellite Service, Fred Singer that he delivered on 10thOctober 2007 and in which he argues that the global warming we are experiencing today is a natural phenomenon.

In part C, we have included texts from the seminar "Global Warming – Facts and Myths"that was held on 15th November 2007. The former director of the Fraser Institute, Michael Walker analyzes the contributions his colleagues have made to the climate debate. The director of the International Policy Network, Julian Morris explains why there is no threat of an impeding climate disaster. The former professor at Harvard University, Luboš Motlanalyzes the low level of sensitivity of the climate to carbon dioxide, as well as other inconvenient truths.

Part D contains supplementary texts. Václav Klaus contributes his Global Warming Policy Foundation annual lecture, in which he argues that the climate change doctrine is part of environmentalism, not of science. The professor of soil science and soil physics at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Miroslav Kutílek, disproves the green-house hypothesis and the irrational threats that have been connected with global warming.

It would seem at first glance that almost everything has been said and published, that all the rational arguments have been voiced. However, it is still not enough. The innocence with which climate alarmists present and justify their ambitions to assume control over society seems akin to the fatal conceit of the attempts at central planning. I firmly believe that this new publication of the Center for Economics and Politics will mark a breakthrough in this area.

Václav Klaus

In Prague, 15th February 2011